G-8GGlossaryË PixelOn the CCD, the electrically charged elements are in close proximity, arranged in a matrix (480 lines invertical direction, 512 rows in horizontal direction). One element is equivalent to one pixel.Binaryconver-sionObjectidentifi-cation(in order ofscanning)Object identification(in order of area)Island11223344 Island[O]Ë Object identification and numbering function, (labeling)Object identification and numbering (labeling) is a process for locating separate object and assigningserial numbers (labels) one at a time in a binary image. By this process, multiple objects in the samebinary image can be handled separately or as a group.Whole image reading Partial image reading512 512480120[P]Ë Partial CCD readingThe "partial CCD reading" technique reads only that part of the CCD which contains the object needed forimage processing. This can shorten the data transfer time from the CCD camera to the image memory.To read the entire CCD image (480 horizontal lines) takes approximately 33 ms. With the partial readingtechnique (e. g.: 120 horizontal lines) can take only 25 % of the time to read the entire image.The IV-S20 can automatically determine the width of the partial image window. You can change back andforth between reading the whole image and a partial image.