SAMSUNG System Administration and Special Features GuideDCS-816 February, 19993 - 153.16 ADDING NAMES TO THE TRANSLATION TABLEThis program allows the system administrator or technician to associate a CLIP numberreceived from the central office with a name programmed in this translation table. If thereis no match between a received number and a name in this table, [no CLIP name] will bedisplayed.The translation table consists of 200 entries, each comprising a 10-digit telephone numberand a 16-digit name.Names are written using the keypad. Each press of a key selects a character. Pressingthe dial pad key moves the cursor to the next position. For example: if the directory nameis "SAM SMITH," press the number "7" four times to get the letter "S". Now press thenumber "2" once to get the letter "A". Continue selecting characters from the table belowto complete your message. Pressing the "A" key changes the letter from upper case tolower case.NOTE: When the character you want appears on the same dial pad key as the previouscharacter, press the VOL UP key to move the cursor to the right.COUNT> 1 2 3 4 5DIAL 0 < > . ) 0DIAL 1 space ? , ! 1DIAL 2 A B C @ 2DIAL 3 D E F # 3DIAL 4 G H I $ 4DIAL 5 J K L % 5DIAL 6 M N O ^ 6DIAL 7 P Q R S 7DIAL 8 T U V Q 8DIAL 9 W X Y Z 9DIAL Q : = [ ] QThe # key can be used for the following special characters: #, space, &, !, :, ?, ., %, $, -, /,=, [, ], @, ^, (, ), _, +, {, }, |, ;, \, " and ~.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through options.KEYPAD Used to enter selections.SOFT KEYS Move cursor left and right.SPK Used to store data and advance to next program.HOLD Used to clear previous entry.Open customer programming and follow the instructions below.OPERATION1. Press TRSF 728 CLIP XLAT (001)DIGIT :