SAMSUNG ProgrammingDCS-816 February, 1999MMC 807 (Page 1 of 2)MMC: 807 VOLUME CONTROLDESCRIPTION:Allows the system administrator to set the level of keyset volume.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryACTION DISPLAYVOL.CONTROL:DGPKEY TONE VOL :11. Press TRSF 807Display showsVOL.CONTROL:DGPKEY TONE VOL :12. Press RIGHT soft key to select DGP volumecontrolVOL.CONTROL:DGPSIDE TONE VOL:13. Press RIGHT soft key to change the volumelevelORPress UP or DOWN key to scroll next volume4. Press RIGHT soft key to change the volumelevelORPress UP or DOWN key to scroll next volumeVOL.CONTROL:DGPHANDSET TX :35. Press RIGHT soft key to change the volumelevelORPress UP or DOWN key to scroll next volumeVOL.CONTROL:DGPMIC TX LEVEL :36. Press RIGHT soft key to change the volumelevelORPress UP or DOWN key to scroll next volumeVOL.CONTROL:DGPNOISE GUARD :87. Press RIGHT soft key to change the volumelevelORPress UP or DOWN key to scroll next volumeVOL.CONTROL:DGPNOISE THRES. :18. Press RIGHT soft key to change the volumelevelORPress UP or DOWN key to scroll next volumeVOL.CONTROL:DGPALC THRES. :7