SAMSUNG InstallationDCS-816 February, 19997-27.2 External Paging (Figure 7-2)The DCS-816 system is equipped with an interface for external paging. It can be connected tocustomer-provided paging equipment. The interface is designed to match 600 Ohm and animpedance matching transformer may be required if the impedance of the paging equipment is not600 Ohm. The system requires MDF connection for external paging and the connection can bemade through the champ connector. See Figure 2-3 and refer to section 2.5 (MDF Cabling).Using one pair twisted wires, connect customer-provided paging equipment to the external paginginterface via the champ connector on the base board.CONNECTING EXTERNAL PAGING EQUIPMENT25 PAIR CABLE WITH FEMALE CONNECTOR TO THE BASE CHAMP CONNECTORFIGURE 7-2CHAMP CONNECTIONPIN COLOUR CIRCUITS/ FUNCTIONS≤ NO POLARITY≤ CONNECT EXTERNAL PAGING EQUIPMENT TOTHE INTERFACE VIA MDF≤ DRY CONTACT MAY OPERATE WITH EXTERNALPAGING FACILITY AS SHOWN ABOVE≤ THE CONTACT IS RATED 24VDC- 1A37/12BK-BL/ BL-BK T/R, External Page Interface36/11BK-GR/ GR-BK T/R, GP Dry Contact