A – Command Line InterfaceSet Log CommandA-52 59097-00 A0Set Log CommandSpecifies the events to record in the event log and display on the screen. Youdetermine what events to record in the switch event log using the Component,Level, and Port keywords. You determine what events are automatically displayedon the screen using the Display keyword. Alarms are always displayed on thescreen.Authority Admin sessionSyntax set logarchiveclearcomponent [filter_list]display [filter]level [filter]port [port_list]restoresavestart (default)stopKeywords archiveCollects all log entries and stores the result in new file named logfile that ismaintained in switch memory where it can be downloaded using FTP. Todownload logfile, open an FTP session, log in with account name/password of“images” for both, and type “get logfile”.clearClears all log entries.component [filter_list]Specifies one or more components given by [filter_list] to monitor for events. Acomponent is a firmware module that is responsible for a particular portion ofswitch operation. Use a to delimit values in the list. [filter_list] can be oneor more of the following:AllMonitors all components. To maintain optimal switch performance, do notuse this setting with the Level keyword set to Info.ChassisMonitors chassis hardware components such as fans and power supplies.EportMonitors all E_Ports.MgmtserverMonitors management server status.NameserverMonitors name server status.