-5-Features• 10/100BASE-T terminal enables your PC to viewcamera images via the network.• SD II (super dynamic) system allows a wide rangeof 46 dB while preventing images from beingspoiled by strong background light.• High resolution supported by a 1/3” CCD having380 000 pixels• A 0.8 lx illuminance is allowed when using a F=1.4lens, thanks to low-noise design. A 0.4 lx illumi-nance is allowed when using an aspherical F=0.75large-aperture lens.• Switchable video mode between color and mono-chrome in response to light inputs• Built-in motion detector generates an alarm whenvideo levels change certain amount.Computer RequirementsThe following environments are essential for your com-puter to view camera pictures or to set up parameters.Computer: PC/AT compatibleOS: One of the following should be installed.Microsoft Windows98 Second EditionMicrosoft Windows2000 Professional ServicePack2Microsoft Windows Millennium EditionMicrosoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 ServicePack6aCPU: Pentium II (300 MHz) or fasterMemories: 128 MB or higherNetwork Interface: The following protocols should besupported by a 10/100Mbps Ethernet cardinstalled.TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, DHCPBrowser: One of the following should be installed.Internet Explorer 5.01SP2, 5.5, 5.5SP2, 6.0Netscape Communicator 4.73, 4.78Trademarks• Adobe, Adobe logos, and Acrobat are registeredtrademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in theU.S. and/ or other countries.• Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows XPare registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporationin the U.S. and/or other countries.• Netscape, Netscape Navigator, Netscape ONE,the Netscape N and Ship’s Wheel logos are regis-tered trademarks of Netscape CommunicationsCorporation in the U.S. and other countries. OtherNetscape product names used in this documentare also trademarks of Netscape CommunicationsCorporation and may be registered outside theU.S.• Ethernet is a registered trademark of XeroxCorporation.• Other names of companies and products con-tained in these operating instructions may betrademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective owners.• Distributing, copying, disassembling, reverse com-plying, reverse engineering, and also exporting inviolation of export laws of the software providedwith this product, is expressly prohibited.Document ConventionThese operating instructions use the following conven-tion when describing the uses and operations.• Windows 98 stands for Microsoft Windows 98Second Edition.• Windows 2000 stands for Microsoft Windows 2000.• Windows ME stands for Microsoft WindowsMillennium Edition.• Windows NT stands for Microsoft Windows NTWorkstation 4.0 Service Pack 6a.• Windows XP stands for Microsoft Windows XP.Panasonic’s WV-NP472 camera features functions for network access besides high-level picture quality developed forconventional video surveillance purposes.PREFACE