-17-To edit the CAMERA ID1. Move the cursor to CAMERA ID.The factory default setting is OFF.2. Press I. The CAMERA ID menu appears. Thecursor on the letter “0” is highlighted.3. Move the cursor to the character you want to editby pressing L/M/J/ K.4. After selecting the character, press I. Theselected character appears in the editing area.(The cursor in the editing area moves to the rightautomatically at this moment.)5. Repeat the steps above until all characters areedited.Command UsageMove the cursor to the respective commands, andpress I.SPACE: Adds a blank space to the cursor positionin the editing area.POSI: opens the camera ID position window. Movethe highlighted camera ID to the desired posi-tion with L/M/J/K, and press I.Note: The camera ID will be displayed under the clockdisplay when both of them are set to ON.RET: Returns to the CAM SETUP menu.END: Closes the setup menu and returns to cam-era image screen.RESET: Cancels all characters in the editing area.To replace a specific character in the CAMERA ID1. Move the cursor to the editing area by pressingK.2. Move the cursor to the character to be replaced bypressing L or M. Then move the cursor to thecharacter area and select a new character.3. Press I to determine the CAMERA ID.2. Light Control Setting (ALC/ELC)You can select the mode for adjusting the lens iris.ALC: If you use a auto iris lens, select this parameter.ELC: If you use a fixed or manual iris lens, select thisparameter.The factory default setting is ALC.1. Move the cursor to ALC/ELC.2. Select ALC or ELC.Cautions:1. Under bright lighting conditions such as outdoors,use an ALC type lens because the ELC controlrange is not wide enough under these conditions.2. Use an ALC type lens if the following phenomenaoccur:• Strong smear and/or blooming on highlightobjects such as spotlight or sunlight from win-dows.• Noticeable flicker in the picture and/or colorrendition variations.3. If ELC is selected, SUPER-D2 and SHUTTER arenot available and white balance mode is automati-cally set to ATW1 or ATW2 previously set.4. If ELC is selected for ALC/ELC and a fixed iris lensis used, the focal depth becomes shallower thanwith the ALC type lens. Therefore, the range offocus-to-object distance becomes narrower.2-1. ALC Mode with SUPER-D2 ONSuper Dynamic2 Function (SUPER-D2)The important object in a scene is usually placed in thecenter of the monitor screen. In the SUPER-D2 mode,more photometric weight is given to the center of thescreen (where the important object is located) than tothe edge of the screen (where bright backlight wouldmost likely be located). You can use the SUPER-D2function if you select ALC. It eliminates interference bystrong background lighting which makes the camerapicture dark, such as a spotlight.1. Select ALC, and press I. The ALC CONT menuappears.2. Move the cursor to SUPER-D2 and select ON.3. If you want to adjust the video output level, movethe "I" cursor for LEVEL. Adjust to the desired levelby pressing L or M.WV-NP472Highlighted** ALC CONT **BACK LIGHT COMPSUPER-D2 ONLEVEL ...I.....- +RET END