-39-When an alarm sounds, the camera performs outputfunctions depending on the setup.Inputs:• The alarm sensor connected to the ALARM IN ter-minal on the camera• The built-in VMD (Video Motion Detector) thatdetects a motion in video by monitoring the speci-fied areaOutputs:• “Alarm” display appears in the upper right cornerof the main page.• The picture files as an alarm sounds are stored inthe camera.• An e-mail notifies the specified addresses of thealarm activation with or without a picture file.• The stored picture files are sent to the FTP server.• The ALARM OUT terminal on the camera becomesactive.• The notice of an alarm activation is sent to the serv-er specified in Panasonic Protocol Setup, using thePanasonic's original protocol.■ When an Alarm Arises• “Alarm” display appears in the upper right cornerof the main page. The alarm status display maydelay for a maximum of half a minute due to itsrefresh cycle.• The pictures as an alarm sounds are stored in thememories of the camera.The total storage number of the pictures dependson three factors: pixel numbers, picture quality,and the number of pre-alarm storage. The existingoldest data will be replaced with new picture datawhen the data volume exceeds over the memorycapacity. The tables below outline the availablepicture numbers as the post-alarm storage .When pre-alarm file is set to 20ALARM FUNCTIONSPixelnumbers640 x 480640 x 240320 x 240Super fine45111242160 x 120 242Picture qualityFine71162344344Normal93206433433Rough109238496496When pre-alarm file is set to nonePixelnumbers640 x 480640 x 240320 x 240Super Fine65131262160 x 120 262Picture QualityFine91182364364Normal113226453453Rough129258516516• A mail can be sent to a maximum of four address-es, with or without attached picture file.A mail contains: the camera name, time & date ofoccurrence, cause of event, and the referenceaddresses to the stored pictures as follows.The number of stored alarm pictures: e.g., 472URL of the picture: http//(Camera IP address)/ALMxxxx_00.jpgNotes:• “xxxx” stands for the event number, and “00” forthe picture number.• A picture numbered “00” will be automaticallyattached to the mail.• Enter “39” instead of “00” in the address bar if youwish to view #40 picture.• There may be cases where you cannot access theimages notified by the mail when new alarm activa-tions took place after having sent the mail.■ Transferring Picture Files• The picture files stored as pre- and post-alarm canbe sent to the designated FTP server.• A picture file attached to a mail can be sent to thespecified mail addresses.