Main Menu - Preset21Using the Remote Control1. Push the MAIN MENU button.2. Move to the PRESET Menu using the Up orDown button.3. Choose the PRESET Menu by using theLeft or Right buttons.4. Choose the function to change using the Upor Down button.5. Adjust the setting of the function using theLeft or Right buttons.6. Push the MAIN MENU button repeatedlyuntil you return to normal viewing.Using the Front Panel Controls1. Open the front door.2. Press the PRE. button once. The PRESETMenu will be displayed.2. Choose the function to change using thePRE. button.3. Adjust the setting of the function using theVolume Up ( + ) or Down ( - ) buttons.4. Push the PRE. button repeatedly until youreturn to normal viewing.SYS SELECTThe television has two system modes: Australian and New Zealand / Indonesian.Use the Left or Right buttons to switch between AUSTRALIA and NZ/INDONES.AUTO TUNEUsed to automatically retune all programme location numbers.Please refer to page 22.MANUAL TUNEUsed to manually retune individual programme location numbers.Please refer to page 23.POS. SETUPThis option opens a new menu giving access to COLOUR SYS, FINE TUNE, SKIP, AVL and CHCOLOUR SET.Please refer to page 26.GEOMAGNETICAll televisions, particularly large screen televisions, are affected by the earth’s Magnetic Field. Thesymptom may show up as blurring of colours or strange discoloured patches. The location and directionof the television can add to the interference problem. The Geomagnetic Correction option can be used toovercome some of these effects.Please refer to page 24.EXITACCESSSELECTPOS. SETUPFINE TUNESKIPAVLCH COLOUR SETCOLOUR SYS AUTOACCESSOFFON-----------|-----------