Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01351 Rev: - Planning Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 G3, V1.1.x174 Control Unit / TLON Network4.1 The TLON networkAn installation (a system) can be one control unit (c.i.e.) or up to 30control units connected in a TLON Network.In a TLON Network each control unit works independent but hasnevertheless total access to all information in the system.NOTE!In a system with two or more control units in a TLON Network, payattention to the following: A zone must not be distributed over the system, i.e. all alarmpoints in a zone have to be connected to one c.i.e. When the "Fire door closing" function is used, the alarm pointsand their "belonging" output must be connected to the same c.i.e. When the interlocking function is used, the input, the output andthe Interlocking Combination (area-point) must be in / connectedto one c.i.e. An input and an output can only be used in oneInterlocking combination. When the AAF function is used, all devices within the same AAFzone must be connected to the same c.i.e.4.2 Single TLON Network / redundant TLONNetworkThe EBL512 G3 system can be build up as a single TLON Network ora redundant TLON Network.In the single TLON Network, one TLON connection board (1590) hasto be plugged in each control unit whereas in the redundant TLONNetwork, two TLON connection boards have to be plugged in eachcontrol unit.In the single TLON Network, only one network is available (Networkno. 0) but in the redundant TLON Network, two networks areavailable (Network no. 0 and Network no. 1).The redundant TLON Network supports full functionality also in caseof a network fault (i.e. open circuit or short circuit) in one of theTLON networks. A fault in one of the TLON Networks generates thefollowing fault:FAULT: Control unit xx has no contactwith control unit xx, network xWhere network x = Network no. 0 or Network no. 1.