Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01351 Rev: - Planning Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 G3, V1.1.x119 Programmable outputs not activated. Output for routing equipment (Fire brigade tx) not activated.17.2 Battery faultsFor other conventions, see chapter "Security functions", page FAULT: BatteryThe following battery check is performed: The battery charging is turned off every 30th second. Battery voltage is checked. Battery voltage < 24.4 V generates a fault.Fault message: FAULT: Battery17.2.2 FAULT: Low battery capacityThe following battery check is performed: The battery charging is turned off 60 minutes every 24th hour. Battery voltage is checked during this 60 minutes period. Battery voltage < 24.4 V generates a fault.Fault message: FAULT: Low battery capacityIf a fault is generated it will be Serviced after the 60 minutesperiod.17.3 Watchdog resetNormally the c.i.e. will be "dead" in case of a watchdog fault, sincethe function cannot be 100% guaranteed. The fault relay output willbe "activated" since this relay is powered (activated) in normal state.In the New Zealand convention the c.i.e. will try to restart. If it wassome small temporary disturbance that caused the watchdog fault, thec.i.e. might restart and a "restart fault" will be generated as after anyrestart – else it will try to restart again and again and again.17.4 Routing equipment isolate (disable)If any Fire alarm output for routing equipment (Fire brigade tx orFault tx) is disabled and you are closing the c.i.e. door, the built-inbuzzer will beep for two seconds. In the display will be shown:"Routing equipment left disabled". This message haslower priority than fire alarms but higher than other disablements andfaults.17.5 Acknowledged alarmWhen a fire alarm is activated in the c.i.e. it can be acknowledged bypressing the soft key "Acknowledge alarm" on the c.i.e. front.