Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01351 Rev: - Planning Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 G3, V1.1.x134 Enhanced disablements: Disabled alarm point121 will notactivate pre-warning, fire alarm or fault.Checkbox not marked = Disabled alarm point121 will not activatepre-warning or fire alarm. Fault can still be activated.This is a violation to the EN54-2 standard. Door closing by time Active: If all fire doors (trigger condition "Fire Door Closing")shall be closed at a definite time every day, this checkbox shall bemarked and the time (hh:mm) set, e.g. 23: Main power loss fault delay time (minutes)A fault will be activated mm minutes after loss of mains (230 V AC).0 is default. 0-300 minutes is possible.20.2 Menu System20.2.1 PropertiesThe same dialog box opens as in Figure 26, page Time channelsAlways off and Always on cannot be edited.The control unit RTC (real time clock) controls the time channels 2-14. Five intervals (interval = one time on & one time off) can be setfor each day in time channel 2-14.Time channels can: disable and re-enable alarm points / zones set Alert Annunciation on / off121 The sensor values for a disabled analog smoke detector will not be saved.