Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01351 Rev: - Planning Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 G3, V1.1.x15826 S/W versionsDue to continual development and improvement, different S/Wversions can be found.Different S/W versions can be found on different markets.The S/W versions listed below were the valid ones when thisdocument was written (the date of this document or date of revision).S/W for: Latest version Required version5000 / 5001; EBL512 G3 1.1.0 1.1.04580; 8 zones expansion board,P.c.b. no. 9287-2B1.0.3 1.0.24580; 8 zones expansion board,P.c.b. no. 9287-3A2.0.0 2.0.04581; 8 relays expansion board 1.0 1.04582; I/O Matrix board 1.0.2 1.0.24583; Inputs and Outputs expansion board 1.0 1.01590; TLON connection board 1.2 1.11728; Ext. Presentation unit (EPU) 1.4.0 1.4.01735 / 1736; Alert Annunciation unit (AAU) 1.4.0 1.4.01826 / 1828; Ext. Fire Brigade Panel (FBP) 1.4.0 1.4.0WinG3 1.1.0 1.1.0TLON Manager 1.2 1.21598 Web-server II 146 1.0 1.0146 The Web server is used in other systems as well. The web-server S/Wwill be downloaded via a PC program called "WebG3 Config tool V X.X.x".NOTE! The Config Tool version and the EBL512 G3 S/W version has to bethe same (i.e. the first two digits; X.X.x -- X.X.x).