Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01351 Rev: - Planning Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 G3, V1.1.x15325.1 Charger functionsAccording to EN54-4, section 5.3.1 b): The charger shall bedesigned and rated so that a battery discharged to its final voltage canbe recharged to at least 80% of its rated capacity within 24 hours andto its rated capacity within another 48 hours.25.1.1 ChargingIf the EN54-4 section is to be fulfilled, the battery capacity of thebackup batteries is limited to 65 Ah.However, batteries of larger capacity are possible to use but will notbe recharged within the prescribed time interval, i.e. an EN54violation.Batteries of smaller capacity (i.e. < 24 Ah) are not recommended sincethe charging current in step 1 (see below) is 2.4 A, which normally ishigher than the recommended maximum charging current for thesebatteries. Too high charging current can cause abnormal internalheating which may damage the batteries.25.1.2 Battery charging functions:Battery charging is performed in two steps:1. Constant current. The charging current is constant (fixed)until the battery / charging voltage reaches 29 V.2. Constant voltage. The charging voltage is reduced from 29 tosomething between 26.8 and 28.2 V (depending on thetemperature) and will be constant (fixed) at this level until thebatteries are fully charged.When the battery is fully charged the stand-by "charging current" is 0-0.5 A (typical 0.1 A) and the "charging voltage" will stay constant(fixed) at the "step 2" level, until the batteries have been dischargedand have to be charged again. A new charging cycle will then start.The duration of "step 1" and "step 2" respectively is depending on thebattery shape when the charging starts.25.1.3 Security functions The battery charging will be turned off if the current from theRectifier 5037 to the Main board 5010 exceeds 6.3 A. Thebattery charging will remain turned off as long as the EBL512G3 current consumption exceeds 3.3 A. The following faultmessage will be shown:FAULT: Control unit xx high currentconsumption In case of charger out of work the following fault message willbe shown:FAULT: Charger control unit xx