B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION—SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE) PARAMETERS222 Installation ManualCOS Nos. 63 & 64 (for Managers)Only the parameters listed below can be assigned for COS numbers 63 and 64. COS number64 cannot assign the parameters relating to the Message Waiting Notification and the RemoteCall Forward to CO features.To access the proper menu for Class of Service Numbers 63 & 64 for Managers,follow the menu path as shown:System Administration Top Menu-1-2-COS No.(63-64)Table B-8Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/FunctionNew MessageRetention Time1-30 days(30)Defines the number of days that an unplayed message canremain in the mailbox. The storage period begins the dayafter massage reception.SavedMessageRetention Time1-30 days0: Unlimited(30)Defines the number of days a played saved message willremain in the mailbox. The timing is "refreshed" wheneverthe message is played back. If "0: Unlimited" is selected,saved messages will remain in the mailbox until erased bythe mailbox owner.MessageLength1-6 min0: Unlimited(6)Defines the maximum message length.If set to "0: Unlimited", a manager can record two-wayconversations of unlimited length into his or anotherperson’s mailbox (Two-Way Recording or Two-WayTransfer). The maximum recording time for other messageswill automatically be set to 6 min.MailboxCapacityMaximumMessages5-100 msgs(100)Specifies the maximum number of (both new and saved)messages that can be stored in a mailbox.MailboxCapacityMaximumMessage Time5-100 min0: Unlimited(100)Specifies the total number of available minutes for storing(both new and saved) messages in each mailbox.MessageRetrieval Order1. LIFO2. FIFO(LIFO)Specifies the order in which messages will be retrieved(played back for listening).1. LIFO—Messages are retrieved starting with the mostrecent.2. FIFO—Messages are retrieved starting with the oldest.