4.4 COMMON DPT INTEGRATION FEATURES AND SETUP PROCEDURESInstallation Manual 103Example screen output:6. Click "OK". "Flexible CO Key" screen (for all CO Keys) displays again.7. Click "OK". "4-2 Extension Line 1/2" screen displays again.8. Click "OK" or "Apply".9. Repeat these steps for each extension.4.4.13 Live Call Screening ActivationTo activate the Live Call Screening status, follow the steps below.PC programming is also possible.1. Press the assigned LCS Button.2. Press the assigned LCS Password.3. Confirm the assigned LCS Button is red-on.4. Repeat these steps for each telephone.4.4.14 Live Call Screening Password ControlThis feature allows Operator(s) and the Manager of the PBX to cancel the password for LCSat any extension. If a user forgets the pre-programmed password, Operator(s) and theManager of the PBX can cancel the LCS password.1. Enter PITS Programming:a. With the phone on-hook, Press the PROGRAM button.b. Dial [99]. (Display changes to PT-PGM Mode.)2. Dial [03].Conditions: To activate the Live Call Screening features, it isnecessary to light the LCS button after assigning theLCS password and LCS button.