1.29 Networking FeaturesFeature Guide 3151.29.4.3 Call Forwarding (CF)—by QSIGDescriptionThe PBX forwards the call to a destination extension in another PBX in QSIG network. The destination canbe set on your own PBX on an extension basis as the forward destination of trunk calls (→ CallForwarding (FWD)).If the same trunk group is used for the incoming call and the forwarded call, the following situation will bepossible.Conditions• This feature complies with European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) specification ETS 300 257,Diversion supplementary services.• This feature can be enabled or disabled on each ISDN (QSIG) port of the PBX.[Example]Extension 1000 of PBX-1 dials extensionnumber "2000", and the call is sent toextension "2000" of PBX-2 through QSIGnetwork.The call is forwarded to the forwarddestination of trunk calls of extension2000, which is extension "1001" of PBX-1.The call between PBX-1 and PBX-2 isreleased, and the call is connecteddirectly to the forward destination ofextension 2000.PBX-1QSIGPBX-2Dials "2000".PBX-1QSIGPBX-2Extn. 1001 Extn. 2000Extn. 1001 Extn. 2000(Forward Destinationof Trunk Calls: 1001)Call to 20001Forwardedto 100123Extn. 1000Extn. 1000123