1.29 Networking Features284 Feature Guide1.29 Networking Features1.29.1 TIE Line ServiceDescriptionA TIE line is a privately leased communication line between two or more PBXs, which provides cost effectivecommunications between company members at different locations. The TIE lines can be used to callthrough the PBX to reach another switching system (PBX or telephone company). By using TIE lines, thePBX can support not only communications with the public network but with other company members in theprivate network where the PBX is included.InterfaceThe following interfaces can be used to establish a private network:The available interfaces depend on the cards installed in the PBX.Explanation1. Making a TIE Line CallOne of the following two methods can be used to make a TIE line call.a) Extension Number Method (Access without PBX Code)Dial the [Extension Number] only.[Example]Explanation:To use this method, it is necessary to change the first one or two digits of extension numbers ofeither PBX (e.g., 10XX for PBX-1, 20XX for PBX-2) to allow calls to be routed properly.Interface Network TypeE & M AnalogueT1 (TIE [E & M]) Digital (64 kbps × 24 channels)E1 (E & M) Digital (64 kbps × 30 channels)BRI/PRI (QSIG) Digital (ISDN 2B+D/30B+D/23B+D)VoIP Internet Protocol (IP)PBX-1TIE LinePBX-2Interface InterfaceInterfaceExtn. 2011PBX-3Extn. 3011Extn.1011 Extn.1012Dials "3011". Dials "2011".TIE Line Interface