1.15 Broadcasting Features158 Feature Guide1.15 Broadcasting Features1.15.1 BroadcastingDescriptionA PT user can call multiple parties, assigned as members of a group (broadcasting group), to make a voiceannouncement. After one member answers the call, the caller can begin to make an announcement. Othermembers' telephones will continue to ring, and each member can listen to the announcement by answeringthe call. The caller will hear a confirmation tone every time the members answer the call.During the announcement, the voices of members will not be heard. However, the caller can allow specificmembers to speak, making a conference call. A maximum of four parties can participate in the conferencecall simultaneously. This conversation can be heard by the other members.Broadcasting GroupEight broadcasting groups can be programmed, and a maximum of 31 members can be assigned toeach group. The available destinations as members of the broadcasting group are as follows:*: Only available when the networking type of the trunk is assigned as private.Conference CallThe caller can allow members to speak, and can control the conversation using the following buttons.Pressing the other buttons during the conversation will be ignored.Destination AvailabilityWired Extension (PT/SLT/ISDN Extension/T1-OPX)PSIncoming Call Distribution GroupPS Ring GroupFloating Extension no. for SVMVM Group (DTMF/DPT)External Pager (TAFAS)DISAAnalogue/ISDN Remote MaintenanceIdle Line Access no. + Phone no.Trunk Group Access no. + Trunk Group no. + Phone no. *Other PBX Extension (TIE with no PBX Code) *Other PBX Extension (TIE with PBX Code) *Button FunctionDSS Establishes a conversation with the corresponding member extension,or remove the extension from the conversation.