7-237.11.6 Selecting LinesThe cells in a line or multiple lines can be selected before the operations such as copy or paste are done.Click the [Table No.] header on the upper-left corner of the positioning data editing screen with themouse to select the all the cells in one line. Drag the mouse up and down (holding down the left click) toselect multiple lines.7.11.7 Selecting ColumsIt is convenient for editing data collectively before the operations such as copy and paste, or for dataitem each.Click the header on the upper corner of the data editing screen to select all the cells in one column. Dragthe header holding down the left click on the mouse to select multiple columns.7.11.8 Editing Data Items CollectivelySelect a series of the data item in the same column and change them all at once.1. Select the part to change with the mouse or the up and down arrows on the keyboard.2. Input the data item. For example, press [A] on the keyboard to change the X-axis pattern from“I: Increment” to “A: Absolute”.3. Press the [Enter] key to determine the content of the data item.The data item can be edited collectively in the above procedure.Key Point:When inputting the data item using the edit box (e.g. movement amount, acceleration time, etc.), inputthe data item directly using the numbered keyboard.