8-308.3.6 Setting and Operation of Synchronous OperationThe example below is the case of the synchronous operation for 2 axes with the positioning unit installedin the slot 0. The movement amount setting is the increment method, and the unit is set to pulse.SettingThe parameters necessary for the setting of the positioining data and parameters are specified by theConfigurator PM. The unit is set to pulse.Item Setting example Allowable rangeOperation pattern E: End point C: Continuance point E: End point P: Pass pointControl method I: Increment I: Increment A: AbsoluteX-axis movementamount 10000 pulsesPulse: -1,073,741,823 to 1,073,741,823 pulsem (0.1 m): -107,374,182.3 to 107,374,182.3 mm (1 m): -1,073,741,823 to 1,073,741,823 minch (0.00001 inch): -10,737.41823 to 10,737.41823 inchinch (0.0001 inch): -107,374.1823 to 1-7,374.1823 inchdegree (0.1 degree): -107,374,182.3 to 107,374,182.3 degreedegree (1 degree): -1,073,741,823 to 1,073,741,823 degreeAcceleration/deceleration pattern L: Linear L: Linear S: S-shaped acceleration/decelerationAcceleration time (ms) 100 ms 0 to 10000 msDeceleration time (ms) 100 ms 0 to 10000 msTarget speed 10000 pps Pulse: 1 to 32,767,000 pps m: 1 to 32,767, 000 m/sInch: 0.001 to 32,767.000 inch/s degree:0.001 to 32,767.000 rev/sSynchronous group Group 1Master axis Axis 1Slave axis Axis 2Synchronous mode Synchronous mode A