13-213.1 Dwell TimeThe time taken until the next operation after the completion of an executed positioning table in theautomatic operation is called dwell time.The operations of the dwell time vary according to control methods slightly. Followings are theoperations in each control method.For E point controlThe dwell time is the time taken from the completion of the position command until the operation doneflag turns on.For P point controlIn the P point control, the positioning table operates consecutively, therefore, the dwell time is ignored.For the last table (E point), as well as the E point control, the dwell time is the time taken from thecompletion of the position command until the operation done flag turns on.For C point controlThe dwell time is the waiting time for executing the next table from the completion of the positioningtalble (deceleraiton stop).For the last table (E point), as well as the E point control, the dwell time is the time taken from thecompletion of the position command until the operation done flag turns on.