17-1317.4.2 Setting Parameter Control AreaThis is the area to write the setting values of the positioning parameters and positioning data in theshared memory into FROM(Flash memory), or to execute the recalculation of the positioning data.The number of writing to FROM in the positioning unit is announced to the CPU through this area, andwriting the positioning parameters and positioning data in the shared memory to FROM is requested.Also, the recalculation starting table number is set to recalculate the positioning data in the standardarea.Bank Offsetaddress Name Descriptions DefaultvalueSettingrange Unit00H080HAnnunciation ofnumber ofwriting to FROMAnnounces the number of writing thepositioning parameters and data in theshared memory into FROM.0 - times081H Request forwriting to FROMWhen writing into FROM by ConfiguratorPM, the following procedures will beautomatically performed.When writing into FROM by ladderprograms, it is necessary to achieve thefollowing Configurator PM operation bythe ladder programs.1. Write 5555H in this area by the ladderprogram.2. The positioning unit checks 5555H,and write 6666H over in the samearea.3. Check 6666H by the ladder program,and write AAAAH over.(Time out of 6666H is 30 seconds.)4. The positioning unit copies the contentof the shared memory into FROM.5. The positioning unit checkes writing.When OK: The unit sets 0000H.When NG: The unit sets FFFFH.6. When confirming 0000H by the ladderprogram, the operation will becompleted successfully. Whenconfirming FFFFH, an error will occur.In that case, write 0000H over in thisarea.0000H - -085HRecalculationstarting tablenumberWhen the recalculation request signal(Y87 contact) turns on, the positioningunit will recalculate the positioning dataof all the axes from this table number toNo. 600.1 1 to 600 -17.4.3 Operation Speed Rate AreaBank Offsetaddress Name Descriptions DefaultvalueSettingrange Unit00H 088H Operation speedrateAll operations relating to axes(positioning, JOG, home return) can beperfomred at the specified rate.The unit is %, and can be input in therange of 1 to 100 (%).100 1 to 100 %