703. Basic operations3-5-7. PinP decorationsA border or soft effect can be added to PinP.Press the [PinP1] button (or [PinP2] button) to light its indicator and display the PinP1 menu (or PinP2menu). Refer to “2-1-5. LCD menu area”.Turn [F1] to display the Border sub menu.PinP1 2|Border |Width |Soft |ModeBorder | Off| 5.0| 0.0| FixOn 0.1|100.00.0|100.0VarTurn [F2] to set On (or Off) for the border using the Border item.Turn [F3] to set the width of the border using the Width item.Turn [F4] to set the amount of soft effect using the Soft item. The soft effect is OFF if 0.0 is set.When “On” has been selected as the Border item setting, the ratio of the soft effect to the border width isindicated as the amount of soft effect.When only the soft effect is to be added to PinP, select “Off” as the Border item setting.Turn [F5] to set the change in the border width using the Mode Item.Fix: The border width is kept constant.Var (Variable): The border width changes to suit the PinP size.Setting the border colourOn the PinP1 menu (or PinP2 menu), turn [F1] to display the BodrCol sub menu.PinP1 3|Hue |Sat |Lum |Load↓BodrCol | 0.0| 0.0| 100.0| White0.0|359.90.0|100.00.0|108.0YellowCyanGreenMagentaRedBlueBlackTurn [F2], [F3] and [F4] to adjust the Hue, Sat and Lum of the border colour. To call the preset colourTurn [F5] to select the preset colour using the Load item, and press the [F5] switch.The Hue, Sat and Lum values are changed to the preset colour values. To save the values that were set before calling the preset colour, refer to “3-10. Memory”.