41Administrator Setup (continued)Auto MaintenanceDuring continuous operation, theMemory Card Video Recorder restarts,checks files and frees memory at regularintervals to maintain system health.When the unit is regularly turned off,auto maintenance is not required.To use the unit without having toregularly power it off, activate automaintenance with intervals as short aspossible.A dialog announcing the start of automaintenance appears 10 to 20 secondsbefore start of maintenance. In thisinterval, you can use the [CONTROLPANEL ON/OFF], [REC], [STOP],[RETURN] or [ ] buttons to cancelmaintenance. Auto maintenance startsunless it is canceled.Auto maintenance is started orcanceled when planned maintenancedate and time is reached under thefollowing conditions.< Execution >• When recording stops• Maintenance is held for a maximumof 90 minutes and recording isstopped in that interval.• When loop recording is set to “ON”or intermittent recording is performedat a time other than programmedrecording (intermittent recordingstops and maintenance starts)• During file restore operation andwhen Administrator Setup isperformed (maintenance startswhen respective process ends)• During playback (maintenancestarts when playback ends)< Cancel >• When recording continues beyond90 minutes• When the P2 card slot cover is openNotes:• To start recording immediately afterthe end of auto maintenance, setpower ON recording to “ON”.• When auto maintenance is completed,the unit is restarted and left in thepower on state. Set the followingitems to “LAST” in AdministratorSetup when auto maintenanceis set to “ON”, to prevent a restartfrom changing the settings usedbefore power was last turned off.Set a value other than “LAST” to seta fixed value.< Rec/Play >• Init Camera Select• Init Audio2 In Select• Init Audio2 Rec• Init On Screen Type• Init Audio Out (Play)< Camera >• Init Backlight• Init AE Shift• Init Camera LED• Init IR Mode