Menu Descriptions & Functions [SOURCE]COMPUTER1Selects the computer connected to your COMPUTER 1 IN input connector.NOTE:• When the component input signal is connected to the COMPUTER 1 IN connector, select [COMPUTER1].• The projector will determine if the input signal is RGB or component signal.COMPUTER2Selects the computer connected to your COMPUTER 2 IN connectors (BNC × 5).NOTE:• When the component input signal is connected to the COMPUTER 2 IN connector, select [COMPUTER2].• The projector will determine if the input signal is RGB or component signal.COMPUTER3Selects the computer connected to your COMPUTER 3 (DVI-D) IN connector.VIDEOSelects what is connected to your VIDEO input-VCR, DVD player or document camera.S-VIDEOSelects what is connected to your S-VIDEO input-VCR or DVD player.NOTE: A frame may freeze for a brief period of time when a video is played back in fast-forward or fast-rewind with a Video or S-Video source.545. Using On-Screen MenuDownloaded From NEC Manuals