Table 26. Riser cages (continued)ServerconfigurationRiser 1 cage Riser 2 cage Riser 3 cage or 4LPriser 3/4 cageRiser 5 cageConfiguration with 12PCIe slots• 3-slot riser cage • 3-slot riser cage • 4LP riser 3/4 cageLP: low profile• Riser 5 cageConfiguration with a4 x 2.5-inch reardrive cage• 3-slot riser cage • 3-slot riser cage N/A N/AConfiguration with an8 x 2.5-inch reardrive cage• 3-slot riser cage • 1-slot riser cage N/A N/AConfiguration with a2 x 3.5-inch reardrive cage• 3-slot riser cage • 1-slot riser cage N/A N/AConfiguration with a4 x 3.5-inch reardrive cage• 1-slot riser cage • 1-slot riser cage N/A N/ARemove a rear riser assemblyFollow instructions in this section to remove a rear riser assembly.About this taskThe server supports different types of riser cages (see Table 26 “Riser cages” on page 231). This topic usesthe 3FH riser 1 cage and Gen 4 riser 3 cage as an example for illustration. The replacement procedure is thesame for other riser cages.Attention:232 ThinkSystem SR665 V3 User Guide