S-Cubed Mark III or II and S-QuadSpeech functionThe Mark II or III S-Cubed or S-Quad Speech sounder function is provided by stored messages ona flash memory chip within the assembly. The standard flash memory can hold up to 20 seconds ofaudio and additionally it holds local complex attention tones, such as the bell and DIN signals.Each signal output from a S Cubed Mark III or II, or S-Quad Speech device consists of an attentiontone followed by a message. The attention tone can be a local complex tone or a panel tone, suchas the standard 'nee naw' sound.Visual Alarm function - Part 23 complaintIt is possible to set the flash rate of devices like S-Cubed Mark III (including S-Quad with VAD)using the commissioning tool. The flash rate can be set to 1s, 2s or 4s, but only the 2s rate iscompliant with EN54-23." The Equality Act 2010 recommends visual alarms like those offered byS-Cubed and S-Quad devices, are installed in protected premises to warn occupants whoare hard of hearing.Strobe function (Legacy)In the event of a fire the appropriate legacy S-Cubed Mark II or I and legacy S-Quad devices wheninstalled in the system will output alarm signals according to the site specific needs and these canbe Signal 1, 2 and 3. The strobe alarm flash rate is every 2s for signal 1, every 1s for signal 2 andevery 1s for signal 3. The output from these Strobes are not Part 23 compliant.The strobe flash rate for signals 1, 2 and 3 can be changed using the commissioning tool. Theoutput flash rates are synchronised with S-Cubed Mark II or I strobe and legacy S-Quad strobedevices installed in the same system.Sounder functionA S-Cubed Mark III and II and S-Quad sounder element can operate in turbo mode if configuredduring commissioning to provide further 3dB output. The sound outputs are based on the settingsof the FABs and SABs at the panel that gives changing levels over 2 seconds duration in 8 timeslots. The standard outputs are synchronised with the S-Quad devices, S-Cubed device and 34000sounder devices installed in the same system.The volume of the sound output can be individually set at the device, note that the sound levelshould not be set lower than 65dBA at 1m for standards compliance. The system preventsadjustment of volume down to zero. Another feature that can be configured is the soft start thatramps the sound volume gradually to the maximum level set at the device.Turbo and Non Turbo ModesThe S-Cubed or S-Quad sounder can output in turbo and/or in non turbo modes. The high and lowFAB mappings are used to change the tone output of the S-Cubed or S-Quad sounder. The turbomode outputs a waveform with a basic frequency that is the same as the resonant frequency of thepiezo inside each device. The non turbo mode outputs modulated turbo waveform.4188-856_issue 7_07/15_Generic Vigilon (Compact + VA) Comms. 157Vigilon 4/6 loops & Compact (VA) panels & network nodesAppendix C - Guidelines for standalone system commandsTurbo rich low toneTurbo rich high toneTurbo low toneTurbo low tone - high outputTurbo square waveTurbo high toneWaveforms with basic frequencysame as resonant frequency of piezoNon-Turbo rich low toneNon-Turbo rich high toneNon-Turbo low tone (Default)Non-Turbo low tone - high outputNon-Turbo square waveNon-Turbo high tone (Default)Modulated version of turbo waveformProgrammable periodnormally set at 10 secondscan be configured up to 60 secondsProgrammablePre-speech silenceAttention tone Speech MessageStandardor Complextone Message nProgrammablePost-speech silenceIt is possible to reprogram factory set speech messages