96 www.gateway.comChapter 8: Maintaining Your NotebookUpdating WindowsWindows Update is the online extension of Windows that helps you tokeep your computer up-to-date. Use Windows Update to choose updatesfor your computer’s operating system, software, and hardware. Newcontent is added to the site regularly, so you can always get the mostrecent updates and fixes to protect your computer and keep it runningsmoothly. Windows Update scans your computer and provides you witha tailored selection of updates that apply only to the software andhardware on your computer.To run Windows Update:1 Connect to the Internet.2 Click Start, All Programs, then click Windows Update.3 Follow the on-screen instructions.Restoring your systemAll programs that were preinstalled on your computer are available onthe backup restore discs that you created with the recovery mediaprogram, on the hard drive, or on restore discs that were included withyour computer. If you need to restore your computer to the originalconfiguration, you can use the backup restore discs or you can use thebackup files located on the hard drive.The instructions for using the restore discs or hard drive backup files areincluded in the instruction booklet that came with your restore discs.Help andSupportFor more information about Windows Update inWindows XP, click Start, then click Help and Support.Type the keyword Windows Update in the HelpSpotSearch box , then click the arrow.