4-35VB Administration ToolsTimer Setting ToolThe section below describes the “picture recording” function which takes still images at specifiedtimes and records them in the VB-C50Fi.Timer Setting Tool Display Screenq “Load Settings” buttonLoads the timer settings currently set in the VB-C50Fi.w “Save Settings” buttonSaves the timer settings edited using this Tool.After setting the timer function, be sure to click the “Save Settings” button to save thesettings.e “Stop Communication” buttonClick this button during communication with the VB-C50Fi to cut the connection.r Timer Setting boxSelect the setting number you want to use.t Capture still imagesCheck to capture images at the set repetitive intervals and record to the VB-C50Fi.y Camera PresetSelect a zoom position while recording picture. Select from “Does not specify” or from presetnames already set.u Camera Stabilization TimeStarts capturing images after waiting for the specified time for the camera to stabilize aftermoving. The maximum time is 10 seconds.i Repetition IntervalSets the interval between repeated image recording. Repetition Interval can be set to a maximumof 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. If you set Repetition Interval to 0, a still image is onlyrecorded once at the start of the scheduled time.qweyrtuiSchedule Setting Toolo!2!0!1