4-19VB Administration ToolsPreset TourA Preset Tour can tour and monitor two or more specified Presets.You can also set Preset Tour with “Presetting Best Shot” in Chapter 3, “Basic Settings” (→ P.3-11).Preset Tour Settings Area Display Screenq w yio!0q Tour Schedule listDisplays a list of the presets which have Preset Tour settings.w “Add” buttonAdds a preset to the Tour Schedule List.e “Up” and “Down” buttonSelect a Preset from the list, and click the “Up” or “Down” button to change the order of thePreset Tour. The Preset Tour commences from the preset at the top of the list.r “Delete” buttonDeletes the selected Preset.t “Preview” buttonReflects the settings for the selected preset in the Preset Preview frame. The camera zoompositions set in the device switch to the specified values and can be confirmed from the AdminViewer.y Auto Preset TourSelect an option for a Preset Tour from the following.Not Used: Preset Tour does not operate.For Viewers: Operates if a Viewer is open.Always: Preset Tour always operates.u “Restrict preset tour time”Click to set the start time and end time of the Preset Tour.i Speed (PT)* Not available with the VB-C50Fi.r teuPreset Setting Tool○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○Continued on the following page. a