ivPackage ContentsThe VB-C50Fi package contains the following items. If any of these items is missing, pleasecontact the retailer from which you purchased the product.* The cable length may differ dependingon the country in which the product waspurchased.1. VB-C50Fi main unit 2. AC adapter PA-V16 (NTSC model only)3. AC cable (1 meter/3 ft.)(NTSC model only)4. CD-ROM5. User’s Manual(This document)6. Warranty card(NTSC model only)CD-ROM contentsReadMe-J.txt (Japanese text containingprecautions etc. other than those in thisdocument)ReadMe-E.txt (English text containingprecautions etc. other than those in thisdocument)VBSetup.exe (Initial settings tool)VBC50Fi-J.pdf (Japanese PDF of this document)VBC50Fi-E.pdf (English PDF of this document)Viewer-J.pdf (Japanese User’s Manual for theViewer software)Viewer-E.pdf (English User’s Manual for theViewer software)vbfiles folder (File system sets of sample pagesetc.)LICENSE folder (License documents for softwarebuilt into the VB-C50Fi)VBTools folder (Bundled software installer set)D70-0066-01Ver. 1.0 J/EWindowsisaregisteredtrademarkofMicrosoftCorporationintheU.S.andothercoun t r i e s .CopyrightCANONINC.2004AllRightsReserved.MadeinJapan.