Connecting to a Printer68* appears on images marked with atransfer order. Press to cancel thetransfer order.**After closing the menu the camcorder returnsto the index screen.Erasing All Transfer OrdersConnecting to a PrinterPrinting Still Images – Direct PrintThe camcorder can be connected to anyPictBridge compatible printer. You can markthe still images you want to print and set thedesired number of copies as a print order( 71).Canon printers: SELPHY CP and SELPHYDS printers and PIXMA printers marked withthe PictBridge logo.Connecting the Camcorder to the Printer1 Insert the memory card containingthe still images you want to print.2 Turn on the printer.3 Connect the camcorder to theprinter using the USB connection–connection type ( 64)– shownin the previous section PCConnection Diagrams.• appears and changes to .• The (print/share) button lightsup and the current print settings will bedisplayed for approx. 6 seconds.IMPORTANTIf continues to flash (for more than 1minute) or if does not appear, the camcorderis not correctly connected to the printer. In suchcase, disconnect the USB cable and turn off thecamcorder and the printer. After a short while,turn them on again, set the camcorder tomode and restore the connection.NOTES will appear for images that cannot beprinted.MENU( 22)CARD OPERATIONSTRANSFER ORDER**Bring ( ) the cursor tothe image you want totransfer and press .*Repeat this step to settransfer orders for additionalimages.( 10)MENU( 22)CARD OPERATIONSTRANS.ORD.ALL ERASEYESMENUMENU SETSETMENUMENUConnecting to a Printer( 10)1