Other FunctionsAdvanced FunctionsE51Selecting the Data CodeYou can select the data code to bedisplayed when playing back movies.Options Default valueReading the Histogram DisplayWhen viewing still images you candisplay the histogram display and theicons of all the functions used at the timeof recording. Use the histogram as areference to verify the correct exposure ofthe still image.The area to the right of the histogramrepresents highlights and the left siderepresents shadows. A still image whosehistogram skews to the right is relativelybright; while one whose histogram peaksto the left, is relatively dark.NOTESIf you turn all displays on with , thehistogram display will appear also afterrecording a still image while reviewing it withinthe time set for the [REVIEW] option (orimmediately after recording it, if [REVIEW] is setto [ OFF]).FlashYou can use the built-in flash forrecording still images in dark places. Theflash is equipped with the red-eyereduction function.POINTS TO CHECKSelect a recording program other than[ FIREWORKS] ( ).Options Default value[ DATE], [ TIME]Displays the date or time when the sceneor still image was recorded.[ DATE & TIME]Displays both the date and time of therecording.[ CAMERA DATA]Displays the exposure (f-stop) and shutterspeed used when recording the image.[ CAM.& D/T]Displays the exposure, shutter speed, dateand time of the recording.MENU( 22)DISPLAY SETUP/DATA CODEDesired optionMENUMENU( 10)(auto)The flash fires automatically according tothe brightness of the subject.(red-eye reduction, auto)The assist lamp lights up to reduce thered-eye effect. The flash fires automaticallyaccording to the brightness of the subject.(flash on)The flash always fires.(flash off)The flash does not fire.ShadowsPixel CountHighlightsDISP.