Other Functions50C ONTINUOUS S HOOTING/HIGH-S PEED CONTINUOUS SHOOTING3 Press fully and hold itpressed down.A series of still images will berecorded as long as you hold thebutton pressed down.A UTO E XPOSURE B RACKETING3 Press fully.Three still images in differentexposures will be recorded on thememory card.NOTES The speed and maximum number ofcontinuous shots is as follows.- [ CONT.SHOOT.]: Approx. 3 images/second- [ HISPEED CONT.SHOOT.]: Approx. 5images/second- Continuous Shooting with flash: Approx. 2.1images/second- Maximum Number of Shots: 60 still images These figures are approximate and vary withthe recording conditions and subjects. The actual number of images per second willbe lower when “ ” (camcorder shakewarning) is displayed on the screen.Other FunctionsOn-Screen DisplaysThe camcorder keeps a data codecontaining the date and time and othercamera data (shutter speed, exposure,etc.) registered at the time of recording.You can select the data to be displayed.Turning the On-Screen Displays On/OffRepeatedly press to turn the on-screen displays on/off in the followingsequence.,All displays on Æ All displays offOn-screen displays + Data code 1 on ÆOnly on-screen displays on ÆOnly tape-related displays 2 (in stop modeor playback pause) or All displays off(during playback)On-screen displays + Histogram 3 /Datacode on Æ Only on-screen displays on ÆAll displays off1 Data code: Time, date and camera data at thetime of recording. The contents to bedisplayed can be selected as explained in thefollowing section.2 Tape related displays: Tape operation icon,time code and remaining tape display.3 Histogram display: For still images you candisplay the complete camera data registeredat the time of recording. For details on how toread the histogram display, refer to thefollowing section.PHOTOPHOTOOther FunctionsDISP.