Chapter 44-20mm.Then, close the DADF slowly.F-4-976) To adjust the original stop position, use the push switches SW3 and SW4on the ADF controller PCB.A single press on each switch will shift the original stop position by a dis-tance of 0.5 mm. When the correct stop position is attained, press the pushswitch (SW2).- The original will be delivered, and the new position will be stored inmemory.F-4-98T-4-7F-4-99Holding down on the push switch will not cause more than a single shift.EXIf the copy paper is stopped 12 mm from the copyboard glass,Close the DADF slowly leaving the copy paper on the copyboard glass.To shift the stop position 1 mm to the left, the following is true:1 0.5 (adjustment interval) = 2Hence, press the push switch SW4 twice, and then press the push switchSW2.- The copy paper will be delivered, and the new setting will be stored inmemory.b. Pickup from the Manual Feed Tray1) Remove the screw [1], and detach the ADF controller cover [2].F-4-1002) Set the DIP switch (SW1) on the ADF controller PCB as indicated.F-4-1013) Open the manual feed tray, and place a single sheet of A4 or LTR copypaper.- Be sure to butt the copy paper against the rear.F-4-1024) Press the push switch (SW2) on the ADF controller PCB once.- A single press on the push switch (SW2) causes the original to be pickedup and stopped on the copyboard glass.F-4-1035) Open the DADF slowly, and check to make sure that D indicated is 11±1mm.Close the DADF slowly.F-4-1046) To adjust the original stop position, use the push switches SW3 and SW4on the ADF controller PCB.Switch Direction of shiftSW3 RightSW4 LeftDOriginalD=11±1mmJ1J2J5J3 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10J16 J15J11J14IC8J13J12J4 CB1SW1DSP1SW4SW3SW2OriginalSW3SW4[1][2]Butted.Manual feed tray Copy paperJ1J2J5J3 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10J16 J15J11J14IC8J13J12J4 CB1SW1DSP1SW4SW3SW2DOriginalD=11±1mm