16Using your RangeMulti-function ovenThe left hand oven of your range is Multi-function. It has many varied uses. We suggestyou keep a careful eye on your cooking until youare familiar with each function. Remember - notall functions will be suitable for all food types.Please remember that all ranges vary -temperatures in your new ovens may differ tothose in your previous range.Multi-function oven modesDefrostThis function operates the fan to circulate coldair only. No heat is applied. This enables smallitems such as desserts, cream cakes and piecesof meat, fish and poultry to be defrosted.Defrosting in this way speeds up the processand protects the food from flies. Pieces of meat,fi sh and poultry should be placed on a rack, overa tray to catch any drips. Be sure to wash therack and tray after defrosting.Defrost with the oven door closed.Large items, such as whole chickens and meatroasts should not be defrosted in this way. Werecommend this be carried out in a refrigerator.Defrosting should not be carried out in a warmoven or when an adjoining oven is in use or stillwarm.Ensure that dairy foods, meat and poultry arecompletely defrosted before cooking.Convection ovenThis function operates the fan and the heatingelement around it. An even heat is producedthroughout the oven, allowing you to cook largeamounts quickly.Fan oven cooking is particularly suitable formulti-rack cooking and is a good ‘all-round’function. It may be necessary to reduce thetemperature by approximately 20°F for recipespreviously cooked in a conventional oven.If you wish to pre-heat the oven, wait until theindicator light has gone out before inserting thefood.Convection broilingThis function operates the fan whilst the topelement is on. It produces a more even, lessfi erce heat than a conventional broiler. For bestresults, place the food to be cooked, on a gridover a roasting tin, which should be smaller thana conventional broiler pan. This allows greaterair circulation. Thick pieces of meat or fish areideal for cooking in this way, as the circulatedair reduces the fierceness of the heat from thebroiler. The oven door should be kept closedwhilst cooking is in progress, so saving energy.You will also find that the food needs to bewatched and turned less than for normal broiling.Pre-heat this function before cooking.Fan assisted ovenThis function operates the fan, circulating airheated by the elements at the top and thebase of the oven. The combination of fan andconventional cooking (top and base heat) makesthis function ideal for cooking large items thatneed thorough cooking, such as a large meatroast. It is also possible to bake on two racks atone time, although they will need to be swappedover during the cooking time, as the heat at thetop of the oven is greater than at the base, whenusing this function.This is a fast intensive form of cooking; keep aneye on the food cooking until you have becomeaccustomed to this function.