B.8 n: Special AdjustmentThe n parameters adjust more advanced performance characteristics such as Hunting Prevention, High Slip Braking, andOverexcitation Braking.u n1: Hunting PreventionNo.(Addr.Hex) Name Description Values Pagen1-01(580) Hunting PreventionSelection 0: Disabled1: Enabled Default: 1Range: 0, 1 –n1-02(581) Hunting Prevention GainSettingIf the motor vibrates while lightly loaded, increase the gain by 0.1 untilvibration ceases. If the motor stalls, decrease the gain by 0.1 until the stallingceases.Default: 1.00Min.: 0.00Max.: 2.50 –n1-03(582) Hunting Prevention TimeConstantSets the time constant used for Hunting Prevention. Default: <1>Min.: 0 msMax.: 500 ms–n1-05(530) Hunting Prevention Gainwhile in ReverseSets the gain used for Hunting Prevention. If set to 0, the gain set to n1-02 isused for operation in reverse. Default: 0.00Min.: 0.00Max.: 2.50 –<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.u n3: High Slip Braking (HSB) and Overexcitation BrakingNo.(Addr.Hex) Name Description Values Pagen3-01(588)High-Slip BrakingDeceleration FrequencyWidthSets the output frequency reduction step width for when the drive stops themotor using HSB. Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency.Increase this setting if overvoltage occurs during HSB.Default: 5%Min.: 1Max.: 20 –n3-02(589) High-Slip Braking CurrentLimitSets the current limit during HSB as a percentage of the motor rated current. Default: <1>Min.: 100%Max.: 200%–n3-03(58A) High-Slip Braking DwellTime at StopSets the time the drive will run with minimum frequency (E1-09) at the endof deceleration.If this time is set too low, the machine inertia can cause the motor to rotateslightly after HSB.Default: 1.0 sMin.: 0.0Max.: 10.0 –n3-04(58B) High-Slip Braking OverloadTimeSets the time required for an HSB overload fault (oL7) to occur when the driveoutput frequency does not change during an HSB stop. This parameter doesnot typically require adjustment.Default: 40 sMin.: 30Max.: 1200 –n3-13(531) Overexcitation DecelerationGainSets the gain applied to the V/f pattern during Overexcitation Deceleration(L3-04 = 4). Default: 1.10Min.: 1.00Max.: 1.40 –n3-14(532)High Frequency Injectionduring OverexcitationDeceleration0: Disabled1: Enabled Default: 0Range: 0, 1 –n3-21(579) High-Slip SuppressionCurrent LevelSets output current level at which the drive will start reducing theoverexcitation gain in order to prevent a too high motor slip duringOverexcitation Deceleration. Set as a percentage of the drive rated current.Default: 100%Min.: 0Max.: 150 –n3-23(57B) Overexcitation OperationSelection0: Enabled in both directions1: Enabled only when rotating forward2: Enabled only when in reverseDefault: 0Range: 0 to 2 –<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter L8-38, Frequency Reduction Selection.B.8 n: Special AdjustmentYASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP YAIP1U 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - P1000 Quick Start Guide 217B Parameter List