No.(Addr.Hex) Name Description Values PageL3-05(493) Stall Prevention Selectionduring Run0: Disabled. Drive runs at a set frequency. A heavy load may cause speed loss.1: Decel time 1. Uses the deceleration time set to C1-02 while Stall Preventionis performed.2: Decel time 2. Uses the deceleration time set to C1-04 while Stall Preventionis performed.Default: 1Range: 0 to 2 117L3-06(494) Stall Prevention Levelduring RunEnabled when L3-05 is set to 1 or 2. 100% is equal to the drive rated current. Default: <1>Min.: 30%Max.: 150% <1>117L3-11(4C7) Overvoltage SuppressionFunction SelectionEnables or disables the ov suppression function, which allows the drive tochange the output frequency as the load changes to prevent an ov fault.0: Disabled1: EnabledDefault: 0Range: 0, 1 –L3-17(462)Target DC Bus Voltage forOvervoltage Suppressionand Stall PreventionSets the desired value for the DC bus voltage during overvoltage suppressionand Stall Prevention during deceleration. Default: 375 Vdc<2> <3>Min.: 150Max.: 400 <3>–L3-20(465) DC Bus Voltage AdjustmentGainSets the proportional gain for KEB Ride-Thru, Stall Prevention, andovervoltage suppression. Default: 1.00Min.: 0.00Max.: 5.00 –L3-21(466) Accel/Decel RateCalculation GainSets the proportional gain used to calculate the deceleration rate during KEBRide-Thru, ov suppression function, and Stall Prevention during deceleration(L3-04 = 2).Default: 1.00Min.: 0.10Max.: 10.00 –L3-23(4FD)Automatic ReductionSelection for StallPrevention during Run0: Sets the Stall Prevention level set in L3-04 that is used throughout the entirefrequency range.1: Automatic Stall Prevention level reduction in the constant output range. Thelower limit value is 40% of L3-06.Default: 0Range: 0, 1 –L3-24(46E) Motor Acceleration Time forInertia CalculationsSets the time needed to accelerate the uncoupled motor at rated torque fromstop to the maximum frequency. Default: <4> <5>Min: 0.001 sMax: 10.000 s–L3-25(46F) Load Inertia Ratio Sets the ratio between the motor and machine inertia. Default: 1.0Min.: 1.0Max.: 1000.0 –L3-26(455) Additional DC BusCapacitorsWhen DC bus capacitors have been added externally, be sure to add thosevalues to the internal capacitor table for proper DC bus calculations. Default: 0 μFMin: 0Max: 65000 –L3-27(456) Stall Prevention DetectionTimeSets the time the current must exceed the Stall Prevention level to activateStall Prevention. Default: 50 msMin.: 0Max.: 5000 –<1> Upper limit is dependent on parameter L8-38, Frequency Reduction Selection.<2> Default setting is dependent on parameter E1-01, Input voltage Setting.<3> Values shown are specific to 200 V class drives. Double the value for 400 V class drives. Multiply the value by 2.875 for 600 V class drives, butset the value below 1040 Vdc (overvoltage protection level).<4> Parameter value changes automatically if E2-11 is manually changed or changed by Auto-Tuning.<5> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.u L4: Speed DetectionNo.(Addr.Hex) Name Description Values PageL4-01(499) Speed Agreement DetectionLevelL4-01 sets the frequency detection level for digital output functionsH2-oo = 2, 3, 4, 5.Default: 0.0 HzMin.: 0.0Max.: 400.0 –L4-02(49A) Speed Agreement DetectionWidthL4-02 sets the hysteresis or allowable margin for speed detection. Default: 2.0Min.: 0.0Max.: 20.0 –L4-03(49B) Speed Agreement DetectionLevel (+/-)L4-03 sets the frequency detection level for digital output functionsH2-oo = 13, 14, 15, 16.Default: 0.0 HzMin.: -400.0Max.: 400.0 –B.7 L: Protection FunctionYASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP YAIP1U 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - P1000 Quick Start Guide 213B Parameter List