USING HFDL COMMANDSExamples Long form:HORIZONTAL TEXT SPACED 12 POINTS PER LINE USING FONT 1AND USING INK 1 IN CENTER CENTER BOX 4 3 ‘FIRST’‘NATIONAL’ ‘TRUST’ IN NEXT HORIZONTAL BOX ‘FIRST’‘DEPOSIT’ ‘INSURANCE’;Short form:TEXT 12 POINTS INK 1 IN BOX 4 3 ‘FIRST’ ‘NATIONAL’ ‘TRUST’BOX ‘FIRST’ ‘DEPOSIT’ ‘INSURANCE’;LOGO commandUse the LOGO command to place logos in the form. The logois a special font of one or more characters, which carries with itthe relative position of the characters to make up the logo.Although a logo may comprise many characters, it is positionedas a single unit. There is an option that overrides the colorsgiven to a color logo file. For example, if you reference a logoin a color other than blue on a blue form, you must specify’USING INKn’ to override the existing color specification of thelogo. If you do not use this option, the printer requests an inksubstitution prior to printing the form. Logos you specify in aform you are printing on a Xerox highlight color LPS printer mustbe in color format. You receive a ‘LOGO NOT FOUND’ messageif you reference a black and white logo in a highlight color (HC)form. The command format designates the proper placement ofa logo according to the planned form.CAUTION: The XPRM database does not support XES logos. Toinclude a logo on an XES form, you must convert the logo to afont and load it into the XPRM database as a font.Figure 3–17 shows the LOGO command syntax flow.Figure 3–17. LOGO command syntaxATunitsunitsLOGOname;C yCxINKUSINGn,,Parametersname identifies the unique file name (or font identifier) for thelogo. A logo name may consist of one to six characters.Cy defines they–axis coordinate for the logo origin location.Cx defines thex–axis coordinate for the logo origin location.units indicates the unit of measure for placement of the logo.Theunits are INCHES, CENTIMETERS, DOTS, and XDOTS. Youcan use two decimal places when you specify inches andcentimeters. You must express DOTS and XDOTS in integers.HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 3–25