HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEFor additional information regarding default ink palettes, catalogs,color models, ink priority and substitutions, and modifyingoutput, refer to theXerox LPS PDL/DJDE Reference Manual.Choosing paper sizeOnce you determine the actual page size (physical page)available for your printer, you can specify any size within thephysical page size for your form.Contact your System Administrator to determine available papersizes.For a list of paper sizes for the family of Xerox laser printers, referto the “Supported paper sizes” appendix.Forms design rulerCareful spacing and form measurements can help ensure asmooth conversion to an electronic format. As an option, adesign ruler can be ordered to measure character and linespacing on your draft form or paper original. Contact yourappropriate Xerox customer representative for orderinginformation.Ruler scalesThe design ruler is approximately 15 inches long, with eightscales, four on each side. The scales are defined as follows:Side 1 Scale 1 (10/INCH)—Output character spacing. You can also usethis scale to measure inches, graduated in tenths.Scale 2 (6/INCH)—Output line spacing for 6 lines per inch (lpi).Scale 3 (8/INCH)—Output line spacing for 8 lpi.Scale 4 (12/INCH)—Output line spacing for 12 characters perinch (cpi) or 12 lpi.Side 2 Scale 5 (13.6/INCH)—Default output character spacing for 13.6characters per inch (cpi).Scale 6 (8.1/INCH)—Default output line spacing for 66 lines perlandscape page.Scale 7 (10.7/INCH)—Output line spacing on for 88 lines perlandscape page.Scale 8 (15/INCH)—Output line spacing for 15 cpi or 15 lpi.2–12 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS