HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEdown, you only have to change the initial values. You can shifttext automatically when you add or delete text items.HFDL uses spaces to delimit keywords. Therefore, relativecoordinates must not contain spaces between the variable nameY1 and the value +.5.Figure 3–25 shows the variable syntax flow.Figure 3–25. Relative coordinate syntax––+nidentifiernParametersidentifier is the variable name you specify for the relativecoordinate.+ or – specifies a positive or negative value that you can applyto then value.Default None.Examples The following examples show the long form of the relativecoordinate variables.In this example, you can define the Y coordinate as the value ofY1 plus 3 centimeters:AT Y1+3 CMIn this example, you can define the Y coordinate as the value ofY2 minus 4.5 grid units:AT Y2–4.5There is no short form.In the examples above, the value of Y1 and Y2 change. Whenyou refer to Y1 in the FSL, it is 3 larger. Likewise, Y2 is 4.5smaller.COMMENT commandUse the COMMENT command to retain a record of yourcomments in the source statement. Comments do not appearon the form, and the compiler ignores them. You do not needto enclose the COMMENT command text in single quotes.Figure 3–26 shows the COMMENT command syntax flow.Figure 3–26. COMMENT command syntax;COMMENTtextParametertext specifies the comment text string you want to include in theHFDL command statement.Default None.3–34 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS