HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEINKn specifies the ink number from the ink list that overridesthe corresponding ink specified in the ink list of the logo file. Ifthe logo has a NOSUBSTITUTION flag, then ink overrides arenot allowed (highlight color only).When you incorporate a logo into your form, make sure you donot exceed the font memory capacity.Default None.Examples Long form:LOGO NEW1 AT 1,1 USING INK 3;There is no short form.GRAPHIC commandA form may consist only of graphic images. You can have up to16 images per page. Xerox highlight color LPS printers allow youto print colored graphics on your form. For highlight colorforms, you can also override any ink specified in the ink list of acolor graphic file.You must specify each graphic associated with a form in theforms source language (FSL) file with the GRAPHIC command.Figure 3–18 shows the command syntax flow.Figure 3–18. GRAPHIC command syntaxINK;USINGISnSCALEATunitsunitsGRAPHICname Cy C xn,,Parametersname identifies the IMG or XES graphic file name you specify.This is the name of the graphic stored on the printer.Cy defines the coordinate on the y–axis to locate the logo origin.Cx defines the coordinate on the x–axis where you want the logoorigin located.units indicates the unit of measure for placement of the graphic.Theunits are INCHES, CENTIMETERS, DOTS, and XDOTS. Youcan use two decimal places when you specify inches andcentimeters. You must express DOTS and XDOTS in integers.SCALEn specifies the scaling of the printed graphic that youhave selected. The scaling factor valuen must be an integer.You can only scale on a factor from 1 to 8.INKn specifies the ink number from the ink list which overridesthe corresponding ink list of the graphic (highlight color only).Default None.3–26 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS