HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEDo not use DOT LEADER in the JUSTIFIED mode. DOT LEADERoverrides any alignment mode and places the text flush with thecolumn boundaries.USING FONTn specifies a change of font for the next body oftext which is not the dot leader string. When you specify dotleaders and a change of fonts together, the DOT LEADERkeywords must precede the FONTn keywords.NEW LINE specifies a new line to follow a text string. You canonly use the NEW LINE keyword once between text strings.NEW LINE is similar to a blank text string (’ ’). If you want to usemultiple blank lines between text strings, use multiple blank textstrings (’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’), not NEW LINE. NEW LINE is ignored if it is notused with DOT LEADER or FONTn.IN NEXT HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL BOX specifies the text toplace in an adjacent box (horizontally or vertically). Adjacentboxes must have a common, congruent side. For example, INNEXT HORIZONTAL BOX... produces the results shown in Figure3–15.Figure 3–15. IN NEXT HORIZONTAL BOXIN NEXT VERTICAL BOX... produces the results shown in Figure3–16.Figure 3–16. IN NEXT VERTICAL BOXDefaults HORIZONTAL, if you do not specify the box orientation. Thesame applies for [IN] [NEXT] [HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL] [BOX...];The font index of the last FONT command, if USING FONT isnot entered. If you omit FONT in all text commands, then FONT1 from the FONT list is used.DOTS, if you do not specifyunits.CENTER, if you do not specify the alignment. The same appliesfor the IN [TOP, .......BOTTOM] BOX.... for text placementwithin a box.3–24 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS