USING HFDL COMMANDSRefer to the output statement PAPER SIZE command in theXerox LPS PDL/DJDE Reference manual.Figure 3–2 shows the command syntax flow.Figure 3–2. PAPER command syntax,SIZE ISPAPER USLETTERUSLEGALl;unitsunitsA3A4B4wBYParameters SIZE and IS are optional words you can use for clarity in the longform of the language coding.USLETTER, USLEGAL, A3, A4, and B4 are the standard papersizes you can use with the Xerox LPS.Width (w) and length (l) represent the decimal paper size forprinters that allow you to print forms in nonstandard paper sizes.units indicates the unit of measure you want to use whenspecifying the size of the page. Theunits you can choose areINCHES, CENTIMETERS, DOTS, and XDOTS. You can use twodecimal places when you specify inches and centimeters. Youmust express DOTS and XDOTS in integers.Refer to the “Supported paper sizes” appendix for moreinformation.Default Inches, if you do not specify units.If you do not specify the PAPER command and a predefinedformat is not defined in the GRID command, HFDL assumesUSLETTER.Examples Long form:PAPER SIZE IS USLETTER;PAPER SIZE IS 8.5 INCHES BY 11 INCHES;Short form:PAPER USLETTER;LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT commandUse the LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT command to specify theorientation of the form, and the size and origin of the virtualpage.If you specified the predefined format in the GRID command,the form orientation is established automatically and you do notneed to use the LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT command.HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 3–5