USING HFDL COMMANDSTEXT AT commandUse the TEXT AT command to incorporate text into your form.To include text in a form, you must specify at least one font.You use the FONT setup command to specify the font, and youcan only specify one FONT command. The fonts you specifywith the FONT command are referenced as an index number.They are not referenced as their font name. Font index numbersbegin with 1 for the first font you specify, 2 for the second, andso on.The number of fonts you can specify for a form depends on thepoint size, how many fonts you use, and the size of the fontmemory of the printer. Once you specify a font index number ina TEXT command, it remains in effect until you specify a new fontindex.When you use multiple text segments within a TEXT ATcommand and they reference different font indexes, the last fontyou use remains in effect until you specify a new font index.HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 3–17