PLANNING YOUR FORMSFontsFonts are character sets, each having a unique typeface (Times,Roman or Helvetica), type size (points), and type style (normal,bold, or italic).Fonts must reside in the host database and on the printer.Check with your System Administrator to identify the fontsavailable on your printer. If you specify a font that does notreside in the host database, you receive an error message whenyou compile the form.Fixed and proportionally spaced fontsYou can use fixed and proportionally spaced fonts on Xerox LPSprinters. Each character occupies an area of the form cell calleda character cell. With fixed fonts, all character cells in the set arethe same width. With proportional fonts, character cells vary inwidth.Usually, you use fixed fonts for variable data and proportionalspacing for forms data. Figure 2–5 shows examples of fixed andproportional spacing.Figure 2–5. Character spacingCHARACTER CELLPROPORTIONAL SPACINGFIXED SPACINGFont orientationIn addition to typeface, style, and size, you can also define fontsby their orientation:• Landscape• Portrait• Inverse landscape• Inverse portrait.HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 2–7