OVERVIEWTable 1–1. Supported centralized printersCentralized printers OSS version4050 V2.1, V3.5, or V3.84090 V2.1, V3.5, or V3.84135 V3.64650 V3.5 or V3.84850 V3.7, V3.8, or V5.04890 V4.0 or V5.08790 V2.1 or V3.99790 V2.1 or V3.9Decentralized printersHFDL also supports some Xerox decentralized printers. Theseprinters are generally in remote locations away from themainframe. An SNA/RJE communications link or a BSC/RJEcommunications link connects them to the host. Also, the XeroxFlex Box protocol converter allows you to connect the Xerox4235 printer to the host.Table 1–2 lists the decentralized printers that HFDL supports andthe associated OSS.Table 1–2. Supported decentralized printersDecentralized printers OSS version3700 V5.24235 V1.2 or V1.5(XPPM and XDPM modes)4700 V1.0 (XES mode)HFDL 3.2 generates forms on the Xerox 4235 and Xerox 4700printers operating in XES mode.Contrasting HFDL with a typical forms applicationHFDL allows you to create electronic versions of your forms,compile them, store them in your system database, anddownload them to your printer as needed. This eliminates theneed to stock large quantities of preprinted forms.Once you download your form to a Xerox LPS, the printermerges your form with variable data. This capability allows youto create, store, and print any number of forms, in any order, onplain paper.In a typical forms application that does not use HFDL, you haveto prepare and load preprinted forms (often printed in largequantities) on a printer connected to a computer. You can loadHOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 1–3