2. Planning your formsThis chapter describes the parameters you must determine andspecify when designing your form.Careful planning and design are critical to creating electronicversions of your forms. Form planning and design specify suchthings as page size, orientation, layout, fonts, inks, and highlightcolors.For additional information about designing complex forms andXerox laser printer capabilities, refer to the “Systemconsiderations” appendix.Determining formatBefore you create a form with HFDL command statements, youmust plan its layout, content, and appearance according to therequirements described in the following sections.Page orientationThe orientation of a page is either portrait or landscape. Figure2–1 shows these orientations.Figure 2–1. Page orientationPORTRAITLANDSCAPEThe landscape orientation, sometimes called the horizontalformat, refers to a page whose horizontal side is longer than itsvertical side.The portrait orientation, sometimes called a vertical format, refersto a page whose vertical side is longer than its horizontal side.Use the portrait orientation for text material such as letters,manuals, reports, and forms that need the tall vertical format.HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 2–1