HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEonly one set of forms at a time, and must remove and replaceany forms currently loaded with the preprinted forms you want.The typical forms application usually requires a stock ofpreprinted forms. If there are different forms, storage costs canbe high. If you have to modify preprinted forms, you usuallymust discard old versions, making your costs even higher.Forms you can create with HFDLThe following list provides examples of general business formsyou can create with HFDL:• Bar codes• Billing statements and invoices• Calendars• Checklists• Financial statements• Floor plans• Flow diagrams• Marketing surveys• Order forms• Organizational charts• Packing and shipping slips• Production and inventory control forms• Reorder lists• Reports• Routing forms• Schedules• Status report forms.Depending on your business, you may need to create forms tomeet specific industry standards. HFDL allows you to create thefollowing types of specialized forms:• Bank statements• Government compliance forms• Insurance forms• Tax return forms.1–4 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS